Monday, December 12, 2011

A few weeks left in 2011....

So there's a few weeks left in 2011... I figure I can try and squeeze in a few more posts before the year is over! hahah!

My pregnancy has been going well-- a few weeks into the second trimester, my nausea disappeared for the most part.  I've been feeling really good, and I hope it continues as long as possible as I'm getting into the third trimester, LOL.

My cravings have been pretty simple-- MEXICAN and CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES.  There was a point a few weeks ago where I was baking chocolate chip cookies every other night, if not EVERY night (which might explain why our oven broke... hmm, that just occurred to me! Boo!  It's a good thing I married a man who is great at fixing things, haha!)...  and I can totally eat Mexican every, single day (I don't, but I totally could!  It's amazing and WEIRD that I've only gained 7 pounds so far, LOL).  Poor David has made numerous late night runs to Betos to satisfy my Mexican food cravings, buying things like carnitas tacos, carne asada tacos, or, my personal fave, carne asada fries!!  He's such a good husband, isn't he?! lol.

We had our big ultrasound about a little over a month ago, and we did NOT find out the gender!!  WOOHOO!!  Going all traditional with this one! haha.  This baby has been pretty stubborn, as we've had to get a few extra ultrasounds due to it's noncooperation (not that we're complaining!)--hiding it's feet from the ultrasound techs, then it's spine, then it's head... haha.  But all in all, baby is growing very, very well and is healthy.  I can tell this one already has a different personality than Keaka.  It'll be interesting to see how much they differ after it is born!

Keaka has been absolutely positive from the beginning that this baby is a girl.  She has no doubt whatsoever LOL.  David and I have been trying to explain to her this past week that there is a possibility that the baby might be a boy, which really upset her LOL.  But we explained that "even though it might be a boy, we will still love the baby," and she agreed.  The day after we told her that, I brought it up again, to reiterate-- I asked her, "Is the baby a girl or a boy?"  She replied, "It's a girl." I told her, "but it's okay if it's a boy, right?"  to which she responded, "BUT it's okay if it's a girl!!" LOL.  She is too much... 

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